Nurse Staffing Solution

Safecare specializes in the recruitment and training of Nurses. Our team is dedicated to providing a high quality of patient care in any setting.

Nursing Skill Sets

Our nurses undergo an in-depth orientation which provides them the knowledge and skills to function in highly fluid conditions. This knowledge along with advanced assessment and critical thinking skills makes our nurses invaluable to our clients and patients.

Sample Orientation Topics:

  • Communication, Transport Procedures, Culture, Triage, and Controlled Substances
  • Preventative Care, Contraception Management and Sexually Transmitted
  • Infections, Immunizations and Paediatric care
  • Gynecology, Obstetrics, Maternal and Child Health
  • Mental Health and Laboratory Procedures
  • Emergency Procedures, and Multi System assessments and interventions
  • Clinical Skills and therapeutic interventions

Performance and Quality

We go above and beyond what is expected. In order to ensure we are providing the best customer experience possible we measure our performance on items that our customers value such as;

  • Quality of Resources
  • Provided
  • On Time Performance
  • Fulfillment Rates
  • Invoice Accuracy

Benefits of a Quality Management System such as ISO:

  • Ability to focus effort on process effectiveness and efficiency
  • Provision of confidence to customers, and other interested parties, about the consistent performance of the organization
  • Transparency of operations within the organization
  • Lower costs through the effective use of resources
  • Improved, consistent and predictable results
  • Provision of opportunities for focused and prioritized improvement initiatives
  • Encouragement of the involvement of people and the clarification of their responsibilities
  • Reduction of risk

What We Offer

Using their advanced assessment, and critical thinking skills our nurses excel in the following roles for short and long term placements;

  • Community Health Nursing
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Emergency Department
  • Intensive and Critical Care Units
  • We currently have nurses operating in Northern Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and the Northern Territories. We are ready to assist you with staffing needs in any of these locations or anywhere in Canada